The company's capital position - the financial buffer it keeps against losses - has eroded sharply.
Among them: Competition, intended to produce savings, appears to have sharply eroded.
These kinds of gains have sharply eroded America's old sock-making might.
Welfare benefits have eroded sharply in the past two decades, with the average mother with two children now receiving $372 a month.
This effort to adhere to Marxism has, however, been sharply eroded by momentum of economic changes themselves.
Their way of life has been sharply eroded over the last half-century by everything from missionaries to television to the tourists they were now entertaining.
One sign is whether a fund's net asset value has ever eroded sharply.
The banks, sharply eroded by the current, had a habit of slicing away into the slipstream.
Since 1975 the state has raised the rental grant only twice and its value has eroded sharply.
Support for the war in Iraq, where more than 900 Americans have died, has eroded sharply.