The Abbot thought a while, rubbing his shaven chin.
The other had blue eyes, but everything else about him, from his dark locks to the angle of his clean- shaven chin, appeared the same as Andrew's.
Only when some of the wine trickled down the man's badly shaven chin did Yuri realize that part of this man's body was paralyzed.
Under his shaven chin he held a card with writing on it.
The man, whom I judged a farmer by his clothing and calloused hands, scratched his shaven chin.
Burke studied the ground, rubbing his freshly shaven chin.
Arner grunted and rubbed his clean shaven chin.
His roughly shaven chin grazed her cheek.
He rubbed his long, shaven chin, continuing, "From the Emperor, he is."
Kirk rubbed a hand across his smoothly shaven chin, as if he almost missed the stubble.