When he reappeared shaven and once more a priest, Spanish Ancestors: In Mexico 361 she kissed her granddaughter on the forehead and whispered, 'Now.
Life is no boon to a shaven priest, Lady, one who by his vows is cut off from all its joys.
Speaker and Teela, waiting in Heaven's map room while Louis braced a shaven priest far below, had spent the time well.
Through this gloom many folk moved like shadows; captains, nobles, and state officers who had been summoned to the Court, and among them white- robed and shaven priests.
Disguised as a man of the people the Prince watched his father's body pass in the funeral barge guarded by shaven, white-robed priests, the centre of a splendid procession.
She looks at the shaven priest; she laughs as though in triumph; she points to the westering sun and to the river, and is gone.
Then the doors were opened and through them came a company of white-robed, shaven priests bearing on a bier the body of a dead man wrapped in his mummy- cloths.
Now he said something in what sounded to Louis like the language of the shaven choir-leading priest: the holy language of the Engineers.
There the ship was moored, there the Wanderer rested, having a good welcome from the shaven priests of the temple.
Their magic is greater than the lore even of us who are instructed, for their leader was one of ourselves, a shaven priest, and knows our wisdom.