It is a simple enough message but one which has a nasty habit of being forgotten when companies decide to shed staff.
We know from our members that small firms are looking to shed staff in the first three months of 2012.
They were only too pleased to grant him early retirement back in September when they needed to shed staff.
To survive, many have shed staff, halted office expansion or moved to cheaper places.
Tum is a secretary working for a bank when the company is forced to shed staff.
If a university starts to shed academic staff, the international marketplace responds.
Half of those losses came from education, as schools and colleges shed staff at the rate of 1,000 a week.
Neither promise has been met, forcing the university to shed staff.
As companies shed staff, they eliminate the least efficient jobs first, raising productivity figures.
The company went through many restructures, shedding staff and rebranding itself.