And then I sprawled and clutched the earth in sheer awe!
There was sheer awe in Ingtar's voice.
Jaime asked, whispering not from a need to remain unheard by that floating mountain but simply from sheer awe.
Again I was forced to silence through sheer awe.
Not from fear, but sheer awe at sight of it, and a kind of incredulous joy.
The canyon fell silent in sheer awe.
I passed through the arch and stopped in sheer awe!
And for a moment the sheerest awe came over him, as he realized the significance of what he list.
Even Chup, entering the Elephant for the first time, must pause for an instant in sheer awe and bewilderment.
The first Starfighter crossed through the dog fight at super sonic speed to strike sheer awe in the adversaries.