Jackie Kennedy set the tone decades ago - and frankly for sheer elegance during her time as a political wife, still hasn't been surpassed.
The sheer elegance of it was striking, even to him.
The days of dominance with sheer elegance are gone.
It was a most amazing sight in terms of sheer elegance.
The sheer elegance of it carried me away for a moment there.
For sheer elegance of land and profitability of farming, it stood supreme.
Apart from the sheer elegance of the illustrations, the most striking thing about these old catalogues is the number of varieties they list.
Natural Blonde - 2 months ago Always a class act, with such a sweet flair of sheer elegance!!
The more formal inside dining room features the sheer cool elegance of pale beige and sharp white.
Ultimately, she is the power in front of the throne, by virtue of sheer elegance, warmth and charm.