Fourteen years ago, Moscow's summer was filled with sheer exuberance.
I'd love to go back to Cascabel for the sheer exuberance of the place.
She threw herself upon him in the sheer exuberance of her youth and happiness.
Suddenly he threw back his head and laughed out of sheer exuberance.
While some dishes reached perfection, others missed because of sheer exuberance.
"If we're going to soup this up, it would be a pity to miss out on its sheer exuberance."
Many expected sheer exuberance to carry him into the finals.
One factor is certainly the sheer exuberance of rookie performers.
As it was, they deliberately bumped against one another out of sheer exuberance.
In his review he said "I enjoyed the movie for the sheer physical exuberance of its adventure."