Some say it is her sheer familiarity.
One reason may be sheer familiarity, on two levels.
But part of the reason Bean was drawn to them had to be the sheer familiarity of their voices.
The sheer familiarity of the Chinese-Peruvian-Italian made him leap from the haze of anonymous data like an old friend.
Yet the sheer familiarity of all the baggy silhouettes underscores how hip-hop's visual style has triumphed.
This awakening was as painful as the first, but somewhat I more bearable for its sheer familiarity.
Some things I enjoyed out of sheer familiarity: those evoking the frozen-in-time postwar suburban image.
It was the sheer familiarity of the sight of him in that getup, I think.
Proposed by Koriat, the theory suggests that participants base their judgments on retrieved information rather than basing them on the sheer familiarity of the cues.
Most of all, for regular travellers the sheer familiarity of the operation with its outstanding safety record and short check-in times are major plus points.