The evening of June 9 will stay forever in my memory for its sheer generosity.
Sometimes he just sautes the rich liver with fresh figs: when a dish is as simple as this one, the sheer generosity of the serving is heady.
Nevertheless he noted the drama's positive qualities, including the "sheer interest of the subject matter and the sheer generosity of the storytelling" which was full of "sympathy and warmth".
But out of sheer generosity, I'll give you another, but no more.
Sometimes it is the sheer generosity of the serving that makes the dish special.
But even when the composer's imagination sags (in much of the last movement), sheer generosity of feeling carries the piece forward.
Good Gimmicks Let's chalk these up to sheer generosity and forget the word promotion.
Out of sheer generosity I will help you escape to a very distant planet.
Partly out of sheer generosity and partly because of traditional pro-Croatian sympathies, the Austrians have taken in more refugees, relative to the population, than any other European country, including Germany.
Either of these could be a book in their own right; the fact that they are included here seems like an act of sheer generosity.