Motorways are plain funny, thanks to the sheer improbability of overtaking fast cars while sitting upright on a scooter.
The first was the sheer improbability of coming face to face with a live tiger.
The obvious downside, however, is the sheer improbability that a majority of the dropped devices will ever serve their intended function.
The sheer improbability of the Tudor dynasty's survival is made clear by this gripping new study of its founder.
The sheer improbability of your existence took my breath away.
The rumours had astounded Annie at first by their sheer improbability.
The beauty of Oregon's music owes a lot to its sheer improbability.
The reader begins by being faintly amused at their sheer improbability; but after a time the response turns into pained embarrassment.
He shook his head slowly, contemplating the sheer improbability of the accident that had made humanity a player on the interstellar stage.
It will live a long time in the highlights, for the sheer improbability of the play.