All are relics of a past that Lively recalls to life, in part by dramatizing their sheer incongruity in the present.
Just for a moment the sheer incongruity of the man's injuries lightened his headache.
The sheer incongruity of it stopped him.
I was planning to say my mother had sent them, liking the sheer incongruity of the lie.
Equally inevitable were the moments of sadness, made more painful by their sheer incongruity.
Most of these photographers are preoccupied with the sheer incongruity of animals in the modern world.
Perhaps they caught my eye with their sheer incongruity.
The sheer incongruity of it struck her, took her aback.
Maybe I should have picked up on the sheer linguistic incongruity of it all.
The movie, like its lovers, is really two films smushed together in the faint hope that sheer incongruity can grind out laughter.