Still, for some of the participants the tasting was an exercise in sheer delectable indulgence.
Two dishes jump off the high dive into sheer indulgence.
Now, for the first time, she was free of her Confessor's power, free to take pleasure from a man, not for love, but for the sheer indulgence of pleasure.
For sheer indulgence, though, it was topped on an earlier visit by a beef fillet with oysters and oyster sauce, a Gilded Age special worthy of Diamond Jim Brady.
SOME expenditures are indefensible on any grounds other than sheer indulgence.
For sheer indulgence no one beats D'ARTAGNAN --.
Anderson concedes that the sequence does not progress the plot, stating in her autobiography that it was "sheer indulgence that would not have been possible on our television budget."
It is sheer indulgence, particularly for people who often protest about heavy workloads.
The latter was sheer indulgence on his part, for at each Impression, he and Golanth reaffirmed their lifelong commitment to each other.
A meeting of the society, an honorary advertising association dedicated to sheer indulgence, happens at most six times a year.