Originally, it was protected by sheer mountains which led the European powers to build ports and agricultural settlements on other islands.
With sheer mountains high above and the sparkling sea below, the coastal path that connects these five pastel villages is spectacular.
It was dark now, and his eyes could no longer reach across the little cove to where the sheer mountain waited with its lips of snow.
The base was situated on a desert plain with stark, sheer mountains to the north and west.
Machu Picchu, as seen from hundreds of feet below, a faint crown of stones set atop a sheer mountain.
Then sheer mountains rose up; far, far away was a pale glitter: sunlight striking the white stones of Inviolable.
Waterfalls tumble from the sheer mountain faces.
The sheer mountains and treacherous rocks mean the inhabitants have to make their precarious homes on the plateaus and peaks above the clouds.
He left many of his footprints on rocks and was able to walk up sheer mountain faces.
Across a small ravine was a sheer mountain of rock rising high up into the dark sky.