At this worst of moments, fuelled by anger, embarrassment and sheer proximity, he found it hard to control himself.
Meredith trembled, overwhelmed by the sheer proximity of him, the heat and vitality of his body filling her with an unholy excitement.
Minutes passed as they kissed, savouring the sheer proximity of each other.
People hurried to get out of their way, and the slower-moving ones were often transfixed and sometimes physically transformed, just from sheer proximity to the Beings.
The summit of the mountain was a cone, beaten to translucence by weather and the sheer proximity to heaven.
For that reason, or because of the sheer proximity of so many virus-prone singers backstage, flus and colds tend to run through a cast.
For sheer proximity to a possible conflict zone, it is hard to beat The Frontier Post (www.
Her sheer proximity to Giyan and Bartta seemed to be draining her ability to think clearly.
I take a rough measure of the neighbor's sheer proximity, wondering if the Canadian is deaf and blind.
But their biggest beef is about the sheer proximity of the turbines.