So it may be sheer serendipity that it dovetails perfectly with an exceptional batch of gallery shows that further consider the Art Brut phenomenon while presenting some stunning new discoveries.
Such experiments are calculated and endlessly rehearsed, but by the time they reach their audience, they appear as sheer serendipity.
Through sheer serendipity, many of my perennials have not been affected by watering restrictions and record droughts, weeks of unrelenting high heat and humidity, and the flooding downpours of hurricanes.
While Mr. Berger and his colleagues insist that the networks' pulling of the Drixoral ad was sheer serendipity, they carefully planned their luck.
Through sheer serendipity and the determined detective work of a Southern historian, the voluminous collection was pieced together, along with the puzzle of Sneden's life and obsessions.
"It was sheer serendipity," Mrs. Darling said.
If by sheer serendipity, I found the right one, I could then attempt to track down someone with information about the status of my mother's ... arrest for murder.
Through sheer serendipity (my husband says laziness), I found that the flowers not only naturally dry out when water evaporates in a vase but also hold their color.
Through sheer serendipity, Kanzius, a former broadcast engineer, found out something incredible - under the right conditions, salt water can burn at high temperatures.
The centre is still operating today and through sheer serendipity we booked into a guesthouse less than fifty metres away.