She had just a moment to admire the sheer golden splendor of him, the bronzed skin and firm muscles, the wide shoulders and narrow hips and powerful legs.
His approach was one of remarkable flexibility, looking for beauty not only in sheer sonic splendor and solidity but also in fleeting, quieter moments.
Second is the sheer splendor of the settings where they are shown.
The temptation was to luxuriate in sheer sonic splendor, instead of actively following Mozart's creative process.
However, one of them made her three companions seem insignificant by the sheer splendour of her physical presence.
For sheer Lennon-meets-McCartney-head-on splendor, it's damned hard to top.
The sheer splendor of the polarizing scope always took her breath away.
The British, of course, have not been alone in this; there is something in human nature which responds worshipfully to the sheer splendour of the Masai physical presence.
Nevertheless, for those who enjoy bathing in sheer vocal splendor, this unassuming videocassette can be recommended.
The amethyst hues of the foliage were sheer splendor.