Ye gods, the sheer tonnage of cast-off junk floating up there.
None of which mitigated the sheer tonnage of paperwork that his ambassadorial role entailed.
She is the world's most expensive cruise ship and the largest in sheer tonnage.
But will there be enough sheer tonnage and firepower to make the difference, Admiral?
We're up against the most powerful Navy in space, in terms of sheer tonnage, in a fight for our very survival.
That is, unlike larger steelmakers, they did not measure their success in terms of the sheer tonnage they could manage to produce per year.
"It's one of the half-dozen biggest exhibitions ever mounted by the Met, and in terms of sheer tonnage, probably No. 1."
Given the sheer tonnage of pop junk nowadays, it would be easy to conclude that high-quality music is being buried under a sea of garbage.
It lies above the world's most formidable carillon, both in sheer tonnage and its unusual five-octave range.