What is finally so winning about the show, which plays through July 21, is its sheer vitality.
As a baroque chamber ensemble they are unrivalled in terms of technical mastery and sheer vitality.
The sheer vitality her survival implied was frightening enough without wounds which, he noticed suddenly, had not only closed but were already beginning to heal.
But he felt her warmth and friendliness, her sheer vitality reached out to move him.
He leaves the audience in no doubt of the character's heartless egotism and yet you find yourself warming to his sheer vitality.
Much of the movie's charm lies in its sheer vitality.
The best gargoyles and grotesques are real attention grabbers because of their sheer vitality.
Glaedwyr glanced at her, impressed as ever with the sheer vitality of the woman, the fierceness that he had once loved, and then hated.
It was sheer vitality coupled with total frustration.
Regardless of the novel's logic, we are swept along by the sheer vitality of the narrative voice.