Each shell weighed over 320 kg (704lbs).
The shell of each cabinet, without doors and shelving, weighs 80 pounds.
This shell is 12.87 inches long and weighs 6.93 pounds, 1 pound of which is the weight of the TNT filler.
Each shell weighed 380 lbs; individual charges were 109 lbs.
The shell, complete with shoes and fixtures, weighed under 195 pounds.
The shell was 1384 mm (4.5 ft) long and weighed 365 kg (805 lb).
The HE shell weighed 3.08 pounds and used the Type 88 instantaneous or short delay fuse with a complete round weighing 5.4 pounds.
What a powerful weapon, he thought, to shake a starship with its recoil, though the shell weighed less than a gram.
An empty shell weighed about eighty-five pounds.
Each shell used by these 6-inch Q.F. weighed 45 kilograms.