P8 Bill Gates Foundation may shift billions into ethical stocks after attack on investments.
But there must be a better way of helping the people than shifting billions of dollars into the pocket of oil smuggling barons.
The Democrats all want to shift billions from defense to domestic spending.
To avoid that outcome, Enron shifted billions of the fair value adjustment from the pipeline itself onto a storage area associated with it.
At the same time, it has the ability to shift or eliminate tens of billions of dollars in fees and taxes now paid by telecommunications companies.
Northern Telecom helps shift billions of dollars a day.
I mean, what's a few million dollars when you're shifting billions every day?
The 'old wave' continued to shift billions of records for years to come - but once you'd heard Horses you knew it was all culturally dead.
For investors who have shifted billions of dollars from money market to bond funds, where rates will go is a crucial question.
A1 Investigators are said not to be finding records supporting the decisions that shifted billions of dollars in expenses to increase profits.