A slight shift of Waverly's shoulders sent that silhouette against the window frame.
The shift in attitudes has sent life insurance sales into something of a free fall and radically changed how insurance companies do business.
A shift of the angle sent his staff poking straight up, smacking the man's groin.
The sudden shift sent Paul staggering back a step, and the living man and the dead one went crashing down together.
That shift, along with years of orthodox economic financial policies, sent the bonds higher, Mr. Ferrell said.
Jan winced as a shift of wind sent a fine spray over them.
That shift has sent shares of Monsanto soaring in recent years, more than tripling in worth.
Another shift of the shuttle sent everyone rocking.
Next shift, he promised himself, he would have it taken away and sent back down to Bajor.
A university-wide shift from selective to "open" admissions in 1970 sent the college's enrollment soaring.