But the environment committee's priorities and the way it goes about its business will apparently shift substantially under his leadership.
The changes were relatively conservative and did not substantially shift after the sixteenth century.
The Bush administration's declaration that it will not reauthorize the taxes will substantially shift the costs of maintaining the Superfund trust fund to taxpayers.
It is important to realise that, as well as holding many varying degrees and interpretations of Marxism, many French Philosophers' views on it shifted substantially during their lifetime.
Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, said the legislation was needed because otherwise "when an employer is able to fire a striking worker by giving the worker's job to a permanent replacement, the risks suddenly shift substantially against the employee."
Some equilibrium mix might have additional larger changes if the equilibrium shifts substantially with temperature.
He said that while risks posed by the device were small enough to argue against replacement in many patients, that calculus could shift substantially for high-risk ones.
For more than a decade, Senate Democrats have complained that they have been largely powerless to stop President Ronald Reagan and President Bush from substantially shifting the Federal courts in a more conservative direction with hundreds of their nominations.
But it is also very likely to be the Republican Governor's only selection to the high court before the next election, and will not substantially shift the ideological position of a seven-member panel that will remain dominated by appointees of former Gov. Mario M. Cuomo, a Democrat.
In Canada, the proportion of services billed under FFS over the period of 1990 to 2010 shifted substantially.