She shifted to the third level and then it was filled up.
This defeat shifted reform efforts to the corporate and industry level.
If we had one department of Social Services, it would be harder for elected officials to shift the blame to the other level of government.
Decentralization efforts have aimed at shifting financial and management responsibility to the regional level.
"I am concerned that the enrollment has shifted more to the graduate level."
That said, you won't see Bush campaigning in 2004 on the notion that he shifted taxes to the local level and thus made government more accountable.
Between the 1950s and mid-1960s biological research shifted focus to the molecular level.
Real power was shifting to the global level.
Some critics of the building plan fear that the state is preparing to shift responsibility for incarceration to the local level.
Thus, an effort is being made, among other things, to shift the responsibility for growth from the social to the personal level.