She was wearing a dinner gown that shimmered blue and yellow and seemed to reflect the color of her hair and eyes.
The walls shimmered metallic blue, devoid of features beside the weaponry and five closed portals.
The waters of the bay shimmered blue as they flowed into the deeper tones of the sea.
Look to the east, and the Atlantic shimmers blue toward a seemingly endless horizon, but with Cuba just 100 miles away.
The somber, rugged Karawanken range rises on the south side of the lake, which shimmered blue in the sunshine.
The rock wall rose in the background, the water shimmered cool and blue.
It was chilly and a thin covering of crisp snow shimmered white and blue across the highway.
The forward shields shimmered blue on the screen.
A portion of the wall began to shimmer blue.
Though it shimmered transparent blue, there was no denying it.