The "wow" factor kicks in when you first see the shimmering deep blue of Lake Tahoe - it's impossible to take your eyes off it.
Quentin did as he was told and they proceeded to pour out the molten ore, now a shimmering pale blue like liquid silver, into four long, narrow molds which Inchkeith had arranged along the floor.
Before us Regis stood, braced and erect, and in his hand the Sword of Aldones--live, shimmering blue from hilt to point.
Meg and Calvin had stretched out in the thick, late-summer grass, lying on their backs and gazing up into the shimmering blue of sky, a vault interrupted only by a few small clouds.
The shimmering blue of the deep crevices contrasted with the dirty gray near the edges of the glacier where the slowly moving mass scoured the rocks, turning them to gravelly rubble.
To the north they could see the Dead Sea, shimmering bright blue under the afternoon sky.
It doesn't take long to hear the shimmering blues current that charges Milt Jackson's often brilliant improvising.
Across the shimmering blue of its lightlike surface the hatch cover read: "Present."
Glass spheres, shimmering blue in the light, hurtled toward the ad- vancing warriors and fell among them.
He had not made a single error, as was evidenced by the shimmering blue of the runes on the dead body.