Then a bright, shimmering effect flickered over the entire planet.
The metallic threads stand out against the background cloth to create a shimmering effect.
The familiar shimmering effect was already beginning in the transporter chamber.
Nomad's energy bolts have been changed to green instead of blue and given a shimmering effect.
At first it appeared that the shell of energy around the 2 enemy vessels intensified its shimmering effect.
The teleport created a shimmering effect on the subject which quickly faded away.
Nevertheless, there was that startling, shimmering effect enwrapping the area at all times.
Her radiance seems to bring tears to his eyes, so that he describes not a woman but the shimmering effect of light.
These trees get their name from the shimmering effect the two-toned leaves give when fluttering in a breeze.
Yet, the production's most shimmering effects, thematic weather or not, are aural.