Later, lying on his bed, Rugal watched again all the display of the capital city, that complex shimmering pattern of lights and lives.
He felt a sudden strange sense of exultation, as though he were caught up and made part of a shimmering pattern of events.
Outside the pattern shimmering in her mind, Margaret was aware of Liriel, guarding the silent little group.
Blade looked down at himself, saw the red light reflected in shimmering patterns from the glossy black grease on his skin.
"Some of the others gave us shimmering patterns and other unwanted 'noise,' " he said.
Standing on a scaffold 215 feet above the nave, he pointed to the shimmering mosaic pattern set in the ceiling.
What had been vague, shimmering patterns turned into small sand dunes and distant mountains.
At the museum, visitors - especially children - crane to decipher the shimmering patterns projected on the floor in their short "Blacktop."
Klimt depicts the couple locked in intimacy, while the rest of the painting dissolves into shimmering, extravagant flat pattern.
Dock lamps and neighboring boat lanterns cast shimmering patterns of light on the dark, oily-looking water where Dilworth's forty-two-footer had been moored.