At the shielded opening, black fragments of shadows tumbled back through the room that was filled with shimmering, sparkling reflections off the glass mosaics.
A glow began to his right and Pendarric's face appeared like a shimmering reflection on the stone roof.
Even in this world's dim sunlight, the shimmering reflections and refractions had overwhelmed the image until Adele's software corrected for them.
Flashlights bobbed and weaved, and a shimmering reflection danced up and struck the man's right hand as he pulled it from his pocket.
He looked at himself hi the water's shimmering reflection, sun-browned from his year of hiking through England, strong and fit, his gaze steady and assured.
Lights from the casinos and bars threw shimmering reflections across the water of Cielo Bay.
There was only his shimmering reflection.
Cubicles had been constructed to provide privacy, and the entire chamber was faintly lit by softly shimmering reflections from the water.
At the shimmering reflection of the skyline.
She captures the emphatic contrast between a solid craft and its shimmering reflection in water, as in "Morning Light."