There, at the door, he saw a ghostly shape shimmering in the frigid air.
Amid the cascade went the shimmering shapes of the merchant's rare fish.
She looked up and saw a shimmering blue shape, transparent, phosphorescent, vaguely man-shaped.
The shimmering but simple shapes work especially well with plain leggings.
It was not long before a squat, shimmering shape had made grav-beam descent.
The shimmering shape above the medium began to fall apart, and then the globe on the table clouded up again.
Dark shapes shimmering to the sides - trees, he saw, now.
To their amazement, the shimmering shape changed before their eyes.
Raistlin, seeing her, and seeing the shimmering shapes hovering just outside the light of the staff, shook his head.
The looming shimmering shape turned into flame at one edge.