The armor, pale and shimmering silver in the lamplight, was without ornament or device of any kind.
The homeworld is a sheet of shimmering silver, reflecting the stars.
Before he had settled into their plummy new Potomac palace with its shimmering silver and china, his wife gave him that look again.
There was a full moon tonight, as she knew there would be, round and lush, shimmering silver in a black sky.
Above, there was no moon to sweep the surface with shimmering silver.
Her hair, shimmering silver, was pulled back in a French knot.
The magus whose hair has turned from shimmering silver to a flatter white over almost four years nods to his son.
A woman in shimmering silver strode down the ramp to the sidewalk.
They lay in shimmering silver drifts on the wooden floor for a long moment before they melted into nothing.
Hair of shimmering silver came sprouting from the dragon's head, cascading down the back.