He was jerked backwards as the beggars swung his body and hurled it towards the shimmering skin.
An octopus with tissue-fine scales and shimmering pink skin is shown with its snout a study in rubbery tentacles.
The shimmering gray skin had the jagged texture of rough stone, though not as dark.
The whole of the visible Disc was now covered with a shimmering white skin that fitted it perfectly.
With shimmering golden skins and vast white wings sprouting from their backs, they frighten a 9-year-old girl named Evangeline.
The shimmering skin of the grounded spaceship Ra's Eye grew closer.
Each scale of its shimmering skin was a jewel.
Then, little by little, we take leave of it, the looking glass so familiar to scuba divers as the shimmering quivering skin of the home planet.
But her expression, the creases of her shimmering boalike skin, and the way she drew her nose downward gave her away.
They saw runes flashing in the air, a man with shimmering red and blue skin in front of them.