A shiny, lavender blouse brought attention to the up-tilted eyes and the faint lavender shading on the lids and brow.
Bea was wearing black pants and a pale yellow, shiny blouse with a huge saxophone on it in green-the saxophone was a bizarre touch, some land of joke?
A number of peasants, men and women, in shiny blouses and lumpish footwear, stood regarding him, arrested on their way to work.
At Iddo, Mrs. Nisi was dressed up for shopping - a shiny white blouse, embroidered black cap - after a week of closed stores and markets.
She seemed to be wearing a shiny black blouse.
Beth Cameron wore tight, checked slacks, which hardly flattered her plump hips and thighs, and a maroon cardigan over a shiny white blouse.
Her shiny black blouse was large enough so that it reached below her groin.
Plus, her shiny, long-sleeved blouse didn't exactly go with her ragged cut-off jeans.
A young woman in a shiny low-cut blouse shimmied into his path, inspiring him to a complicated impromptu dance move.