Their eyes were like shiny, black pebbles and their mouths were full of long, curved teeth.
I had her fix her eyes upon a smooth shiny pebble as she held it in her hand.
The safety glass imploded, raining shiny pebbles on the limo's occupants, Tan among them.
As she spoke her knuckles tightened into shiny pebbles.
He has stuffed Buckkeep full of secrets like a magpie collecting shiny pebbles.
Sheeran's tales of each killing are shiny pebbles of minimalism.
They returned with a blue bucket filled with shiny pebbles.
Morrie bent down and snatched up two of the shiny beanshaped pebbles.
Carefully, he opened the sock and was relieved to see the half-dozen shiny pebbles inside.
Hundreds of shiny black pebbles paved the path beneath her feet, and the sun was warm upon her face.