Dongfanghong I has a shiny metallic ring added to the bottom, with brightness magnitude from +5 to +8.
He owned good horses and wagons and fine harnesses of oiled leather with shiny rings.
- Every time, when a flower drops, in its spot a new shoot sprouts, and where the flower used to be, a shiny ring is formed.
They don't have shiny rings and multiple pages in the history books.
Amanda turned her head at once, more interested in the pouch than she had been in the shiny ring.
A shiny ring turned at the end of the line.
When drilling it can be noticed as alternating dark and shiny rings.
The Oailie created 'master rings', shiny black rings (often described as 'silvery') that created a strong sense of self identity.
I had a clear memory of the top of the skull crowning, the pudendum a shiny red ring stretched tight around a small patch of black hair.
It's a nice shiny ring.