Getting into the shiny sedan, I heard a siren on the freeway and saw an ambulance go by up there, heading for Los Angeles.
The garage was empty, but a big shiny sedan had its two right wheels off the road, on the shoulder of the bank.
Royce finally eased his shiny, expensive sedan in the parking slot right in front of me.
But they both went silent when they saw Diane waiting in the loading area, next to a shiny sedan.
Reilly led them over to a shiny black 1926 sedan and pointed out the car's unique features like a proud father.
Paint was nicked from the rear of Shag's shiny sedan as it wheeled the corner, but the mob leader didn't mind.
I saw a hint of red that grew bigger and brighter, and before too long a shiny two-door sedan was turning into our driveway.
Later, a shiny blue sedan pulled up and a sharply dressed man jumped out and waved and nodded.
In the driveway were two vehicles, a dusty late-model Jeep and a shiny cream-colored sedan.
Activating the alarm, he looked at Sami across the roof of the shiny black sedan.