She allowed him a moment to digest this, and drummed her fingers silently against the hard, shiny veneer of her desk.
He became imperfect Dave, losing his shiny veneer.
Its engine was smoking badly, and fluid was leaking steadily onto the Honda beneath, spreading a shiny veneer over the hood.
Of course beneath the shiny veneers lie hearts of steel, ambition-poisoned minds and imaginations steeped in blood.
But although American officials praise the highly visible joint drug-enforcement programs, they say the operations are a shiny veneer hiding a rotten core.
These days, a typical auto-body paint job consists of primer, then color, then a shiny acrylic veneer called clear coat.
"Orlando has a bright, shiny veneer," Representative Mica said.
Slick desert varnish, a shiny rust-brown veneer over cream-colored sandstone, coated the route above.
What sets Cannes apart is the shiny veneer with which it has coated these elements.
There, on the shiny veneer, sat a cardboard package, identical to the one he had received eighteen months earlier.