Many of the Norwegian seamen stayed in Baltimore and worked as factory engineers and ship chandlers.
Pickford & Black were ship chandlers and grocers of Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Shops included ship chandlers, makers of instruments for navigation such as telescopes, and goldsmiths from Lombardy in Italy.
The ship chandlers along the wharves also held large stocks, stored in wooden barrels.
Their father, James, continued to run the ship chandlers - grocery store until his death in 1944.
Fairhaven became a town of shipwrights, ship chandlers, ropemakers, coopers, and sailmakers.
The area had been going to seed for many years after the ship chandlers who once thrived there went one by one out of business.
The tall rugged seats - one hesitates to call them chairs - are inspired by ship chandlers.
Her father, a marine consultant, retired as the president and chairman of Baker, Carver & Morrell, ship chandlers in New York.
My estimation of captains and ship chandlers wavered.