He stymied Confederate army attempts to ship beef, employing a series of excuses.
The agreement calls for a 75-day cooling-off period while a group of top United States and European Community officials works out ways in which the United States could ship hormone-free beef to Europe.
With increasing railroad access, the ranchers did not have to take their livestock up to the Midwest, and shipped beef out from Texas.
Early in his career, Donald Valle bypassed regional meat suppliers and established exclusive agreements with Swift and Company in Chicago which shipped beef directly by rail car to his Maine restaurants.
De Mores intended to eliminate "the middleman" by "shipping processed beef directly from the range to the consumer."
Last year, Argentina eradicated foot-and-mouth disease among its herds and received approval to start shipping fresh and frozen beef to the United States.
Under the proposed compromise, the United States would agree to ship hormone-free beef to the European Community and the dispute would be submitted to a panel of experts.
Both European and American officials said some kind of package settlement could emerge in which the United States would agree - as most other community trading partners have already - to ship hormone-free beef.
Rather than pay to ship beef or pork to the jungle dormitory towns where their workers live, the logging companies encourage hunting.
The coming of the railroad in this same period made it easier for the cattle barons in the lowlands to ship beef to Rosario or Buenos Aires (the two main ports) and to import luxury goods and machinery.