Her prices, Ms. Edwards said, are between 20 percent and 40 percent less than those charged by retailers in the United States, even after shipping costs.
Recnently, Price Watch has improved its service by making vendors be more up front about shipping costs, too.
It also sells a meat chopper and stuffer, Model 310 (including a grinding machine, funnel and two chopping blades), at $47, shipping costs included.
With the trade agreement, a lot of that production will shift to Mexico and costs will decrease - not just labor costs, but also shipping costs.
Firms don't always cover all of the costs but one of the major expenses is shipping costs.
There are shipping costs and so on, I know, but can anyone justify an increase of 500%?
After shipping costs, and assuming we would sell all the books, our profit would have been $17.80 on an outlay of $96.20, about 16 percent.
Prices include shipping costs, which are higher west of the Mississippi.
Use Incoterms to specify exactly who is responsible for shipping costs, duties, and customs-related formalities.
However, keys to shipping via the western versus eastern ports are facilities at the ports, better rail links inland, shipping times, and costs.
The last ship built, in 1981, cost $67 million.
Have you any idea what a ship such as this would cost?
The 420-passenger ship is scheduled for completion in mid-1994 and will cost an estimated $50 million.
The ships cost 42.6 and 41.6 million marks, with maximum speed of 28 knots.
The ship cost the German navy 37,399,000 gold marks.
The ship cost the German government 7,303,000 gold marks.
However, the railway found that a new ship would cost £64,000 and decided not to return to owning steamships.
The ships originally cost about $47.5 million each when they were built three years ago.
The Mississippi-class ships would cost just under $6 million each.
The ship costs more to run than I'd realized, when I finally went to add up all the real numbers.