The ship just flashed into red, then disappeared from the screen.
The girl's ship has its navigation lights on, red and green beacons flashing.
Another ship, this one ten times their size, flashed by in front of them.
Cloud gave orders; the ship flashed away to meet the Patrolmen.
Actually, the ship must have flashed an immensely greater distance before it hurtled down out of control.
There wasn't time to think as the second ship flashed overhead, again causing a minor tornado on the ground.
The ships approached fast on the screen then flashed to the rear, just a blur to the human eye.
He waved, the ship flashed again, and the five flyers burst like blood bags.
The little ship flashed here and there about the bereft sun in bewilderment.
The ship flashed past a mighty spire of stone and swung into its shadow.