Space-faring ships were then built and sent out on the long journey to discover the source of the original crystite.
The ship was also used for training, and was sent out on trips every sailing season.
In January 1658 two other ships were sent out in search but also proved unsuccessful.
Other ships had been sent out to bring him in again.
With the establishment of trade, prices were agreed upon before ships were sent out.
Why, ships were sent out for no other reason than to bring back new knowledge to feed the imaginations of the dreamers!
Under terms of the second charter 36 ships were sent out, 3 to Surat, the rest to Canton, and only one was lost.
The ship was built and sent out on an exploratory mission.
Two ships were sent out in 1668.
This ship was also sent out by the governor of Havana to warn the Spanish fleet.