Twelve ships of the upper diamond peeled away to engage, as the rest of the phalanx wheeled sharply starboard.
With its g-shock absorbers compensating for the awful pressure of acceleration the ship peeled away from its solar orbit and struck a course for the first transition point.
Rick was too involved in the battle to notice that several alien ships had peeled away from the attack group and established a holding pattern not far from the SDF-1.
Three ships peeled out of their ever-changing formation and swung wide around the Enterprise, then dived toward the freighters trailing behind while the other two intruders cartwheeled toward the starship.
Both ships peeled away, resorting to evasive maneuvers.
Rung after rung, the ship peeled away beneath his hands and boots.
Other ships peeled out of formation to maintain safe separation, but King Roger was "dead," locked down by her own computers to simulate her total destruction at the hands of a lowly light cruiser!
The two ships peeled away from each other and disap- peared out opposite corners of the screen.
Both ships peeled away- and it proved their undoing.
Then his ship peeled away and angled back around.