The ship had two rigged masts, and a 1000HP triple expansion steam engine with Scotch boilers.
"Yet you refuse to meet me face-to-face and dispatched a ship rigged to blow in event of betrayal?"
A ship rigged with sails sits tranquilly, but viewers recognize it as an agent of our present troubles.
Their ship is rigged, some way or other, so it will blow up or something the first time they go anywhere!
The clipper was one of the few known larger sailing ships rigged with a moonsail.
When she first arrived, the ship exchanged her masts and rigging for poles suitable for signaling.
"Tall ship" is commonly used today to define a large, traditionally rigged vessel, whether or not is it technically a ship.
Immediately the captain had ordered the ship rigged for running in the fog.
During the 19th century American sealing ships sometimes rigged a mizzen mast and sail from the taff rail in light airs.
Until 1963, the ship sailed under Norwegian colors and was called Regina, rigged as a three-masted topsail schooner.