A ship sought by ten thousand Heels, across all Five Galaxies.
During storms as many as 200 ships would seek refuge.
The ship sought its center; it found debris floating in space.
Other ships have come and gone, seeking pure blood for Lord Mukhari's work.
It will not be long before the ships of Sturinn seek Liedwahr for more than trade.
The term 'asylum' in this context means a harbour where ships can seek refuge from a storm.
If the ship was seeking refuge, that would be the most likely place in this sector of space to retreat to.
Later the chief officer noted to the captain that in the past the ship had sought shelter after receiving weather forecasts of this kind.
The ship sought permission to change to the inbound lane, which was granted.
All that remained was an eddying ball of gas, which other nearby ships hastily sought to avoid.