The ship could swerve away from the impact point, but the city would be a bullet in a vacuum.
An instant later, that other ship swerved so we were back in her path again.
Radar showed a vessel approaching, and the cadets' ship swerved to starboard to avoid a crash.
She'd been in the middle of a swan dive when the swerve came and the ship had swerved without her.
The flash of light returned and the ship swerved again.
The second ship swerved.
That ship crash-stopped from at least forty kilolights and swerved twenty years just for a five-minute chat with you, it would seem.
The ship shuddered and swerved about in the sky and it was all we could do to keep her in reasonable trim.
At the last possible instant the hurtling ship swerved.
The ship swerved with a gust and the wheel spun out of their hands.