The whole ship was vibrating now, trying to shake itself apart.
The ship vibrated, and things began to happen so fast that Willie couldn't tell exactly what went wrong or why.
Only now he noticed, that the ship is no longer vibrating.
The ship vibrated, first at a level that was nearly imperceptible, then more strongly.
The ships vibrated slightly as their combined weight fought for a moment against the pressure of acceleration, then gave up the struggle.
The floor was shaking, the entire ship vibrating now, an epic force moving closer to them by the instant.
In seconds the entire ship was vibrating from the reverse power.
At five, the ship vibrated like a struck bell.
The whole ship was bucking and vibrating, creaking, as if it were being pulled apart.
At half power and ten percent thrust the ship didn't even vibrate, let alone show sign of any effort to lift.