Complaints include online customer service, difficulty in researching shipboard activities and, at the top of the list, limited online booking.
Although Ronny holds ultimate authority over shipboard activities, it's rare that he issues a direct order.
Every evening, a 10-page newsletter crammed with rules, reminders and an exhausting schedule of shipboard activities arrived under our cabin door.
Other shipboard activities, it was widely believed, were not quite so harmless.
This made it very difficult for the Purser, who doabled as Entertainment Officer, to organize any shipboard activities.
The cruise will also provide special instruction for beginners and unrated players, and for nonplayers there will be a full program of shipboard activities.
She might have been taking the air in a deck chair, waiting for the social director to advise her of the day's shipboard activities.
Carnival made its mark by unabashedly promoting cruising for the common man with low-price air-and-sea packages, loads of shipboard activities and heavy national television advertising.
They serve as general companions, making conversation and joining in for shipboard activities and games.
Over his mother's protests, the ReynKa chose to leave Takarr out of the shipboard activities.