It must be the latest product of Arkon's shipbuilding technology.
Russia also has something to offer in another prospective area: floating nuclear power stations, based on nuclear shipbuilding technology.
This shipbuilding technology continued through the classical period.
Scandinavian shipbuilding technology failed to advance beyond that of the Viking days.
It was a leader in shipbuilding technology.
By 1918, there was no aspect of shipbuilding technology where Japanese capabilities fell significantly below world standards.
The Vikings were major contributors to the shipbuilding technology of their day.
In practice, they actually cost less than $1.8 billion (in fiscal year 2009 dollars) each, due to improvements in shipbuilding technology.
Last year Congress approved $50 million for loan guarantees to shipyards and a $30 million subsidy to improve shipbuilding technology.
The Chinese Navy is in similar shape, hampered by an aging fleet and outmoded shipbuilding technology.