- the latest shipment date or given period for shipment.
The shipment date at the product announcement was stated as June 2008.
Today, concerns that the shipment date would be delayed for the new version of the Microsoft Corporation's Windows program, called Chicago, led to a selloff in Microsoft's shares.
If that matched a shipment date.... It was hard to think beyond that.
"The first time there is a revised shipment date and the merchant doesn't hear from the consumer, it is presumptively a consent to delay," said Joel Brewer, a commission lawyer.
No shipment date for those products has been announced.
If yes, list the consignees and provide quantity and sale and shipment date.
The new products are priced at from $17,800 to $128,000 including software, and shipment dates are from late this month to early September.
Microsoft will not announce a shipment date at the conference.
It had no number attached to it, no price tag or shipment date, so it did not appear to be a weapon or a part of Morgana's inventory at all.