Initially, the four television stations were unlinked, and programming had to be shipped between each station.
Uranium trioxide is shipped between processing facilities in the form of a gel.
The midships 4 inch gun was shipped between the second and third funnels.
The midships 4 in gun was shipped between the 2nd and 3rd funnels.
Over 48,000 tonnes was shipped between 1884 and 1896.
Approximately 6500 units shipped between 1977 and 1985.
All milk shipped between states is required, by law, to be pasteurized.
Or did one of the laboratories have an accidental contamination from some other samples shipped between them in 1983 or 1984?
Waste is shipped between countries for disposal and this can create problems in the target country.
For instance, components of the wings were being shipped around between countries, which clearly was not economic.